I have been wanting to make the sling bag from the Life with Nature Girl blog since I first saw it. It is my ideal bag, worn across the chest and just big enough for the necessities. Simply put, it's perfect! I didn't use interfacing, because I find this Ginger Blossom fabric to be study enough on it's own.

I sewed up mine in just over an hour. To use up the small leftovers of fabric, I made a couple of extra pockets for the inside. One for the handy Chapstick, and the other for pens. They went together the same way as the original interior pocket.

Yes, my pics really suck tonight. Ah well, the bag rocks. I'll see if I can get some better pics tomorrow. Thanks for sharing this tutorial, Jill!
love that bag! love that fabric! I am so going to check out the tutorial on Life with Nature Girl. When I have some alone time with my sewing machine I'll try it out.
OH! This is fantastic!
And you have the best taste in fabrics ever!
I just downloaded this tutorial to make one myself. I have a ton more projects to do before I can make this, but I had to download it. Your bag turned out so cute. Still loving that chicken scratch???
Love it! I'm going to have to download the tutorial now that I have seen yours lol I bought some gingham today too...hopefully I'll have some chicken scratch to show after the weekend!!!
The bag is gorgeous! I love the fabric and the extra pockets are fabulous. There is a Flickr Group for Sling bags if you want to post a picture. Here's the link: http://www.flickr.com/groups/695946@N24/
I just thrifted some cool drapes to cut up and create on of your crafty tool belts. I can't wait to try it!
Lovely bag and material, I'll have to have a look at that Blog. Thank you for your comments about my quilting.
Lisa x
I love this bag - so elegant - I want to make more bags - I tried a knitted one for my journal and supplies, but it is very large and things get lost, I think I need a smaller sister bag. . . thanks for the inspiration.
very cute! I'm going to have to check out that tute ... mailed your package yesterday! enjoy ...
love it - thanks for sharing the tut - will go have a look & have to try one myself too!
ah someone else that needs a chapstick pocket! what a cute idea. i so need to get my butt moving and make one of these!! yours turned out great, and i love that fabric
Hi, I've popped over from SMSew's blog and want to say "thanks" for the great tutorials! I don't know how to do bias tape; your Crafty Tool Belt tut is very detailed re: bias tape and the pix really help.
I have also printed out your Tote Bag tut! Thanks! I'll send pix when mine is finished.
Suzanne G in NC
~where spring has come!!!
Your bag is fantastic!! I love that you added a little chapstick pocket...my next bag is gonna have one of those too!
Smiles, Karen
What a good idea to have a place for a chapstick. I seriously suck at sewing, I keep promising myself that I am going to learn but I really need someone to show me.
i love how your bag turned out. pretty fabrics. i stole your chapstick pocket idea but my pocket is too short and too wide =( next one i guess. heres a link to mine
i was looking at this tute myself! your bag looks great!
One word, Fabulous!
Sandra Evertson
I just found your blog via greetingarts where I saw the wonderful bag you made. The lantern shape is great - did you use a pattern for that? I also very much like this bag - love ones with long handles that keep my hands free. BTW - come and see my giveaway...
I just tagged you for a meme. Come check my blog for details when you get a chance. Talk to you soon.
That is a beautiful bag. I love that fabric. You did an amazing job!
I hope you are okay. I haven't seen anything from you recently.
Where are you? Are you okay? I know, you must be working hard creating new fabulous things for all of us to see.
Hi Kerri - I am the lucky recipient of your apron set from the Sassy Apron Swap. I couldn't be more thrilled with what you have made me! You have taken so much care and added lots of lovely details. I whipped it on straight away after tearing open the packet when I got home from work, and it got christened, making a boring Friday night meal of sausages and veggies. Thank you so much - I love it! I will blog it soon... but won't model it because although it fits nicely, I think it would look even better when I don't have this baby bump. At the moment I'm in between looking pregnant and just looking fat and frumpy. It will be a perfect fit on me once the baby is out, so I will get to wear it over our summer.
This bag is terrific! What a beautiful print too! Wow, I'm jealous!
Your bag is wonderful!
WOW, you blog is fantastic! I'm SO glad I stumbled over here! SO much inspiration! I'll be linking to your bookmark tutorial in my Weekend Roundup, not to mention adding you so I don't miss a thing!
I have a piece of upholstery fabric that is begging to made into this, Thanks!
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